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Risks from canola oil that you should know before using it.

Although the benefits of canola oil are supported by many studies and scientific evidence. But there are still some disputes that cannot be reached. In addition, improper consumption can cause disease as well. Users should therefore be aware of the risks from consuming this type of oil. Such as : Too much

Benefits of Guava How good are its properties?

          In addition to being a fruit that eats and doesn’t make you fat. Guava also has good benefits from guava as follows: 1. Relieves constipation.           Guava fruits contain a lot of pactin. which is water-soluble dietary fiber and has gel-like properties. When it enters the intestines, it

Benefits of bananas.

 Bananas are fruits that are well known to be beneficial to the body. But believe it or not, the benefits of bananas may actually be more than we ever knew. And bananas can also help with health. And beauty ever. Okay! If so, don’t wait, let’s take a look

How good are its properties celery?

From the nutrients found in celery. This makes many people want to know the properties of celery. So here benefit it is. Cure constipation with the amount of dietary fiber contained. It makes it no surprise that the benefits are that it helps stimulate the digestive system. And in

Whole milk: Is it unhealthy?

For years, nutrition guidelines have been instructing people to avoid whole milk, mainly due to its saturated fat content menu. Mainstream nutrition recommendations advise limiting saturated fat because it can increase cholesterol levels, which is a risk factor for heart disease. Based on this information, experts made