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Tag Archives: knowledge

How does caffeine affect the body?

All coffee lovers have probably heard the word caffeine many times before. But they probably don’t really care that much. How is caffeine beneficial or harmful to body us? Let’s try to get to know a little more about caffeine. Caffeine is a nervous system stimulant. make you

Benefits Of Peanuts.

Peanuts are rich in protein, healthy fats and dietary fiber and are said to have many health properties. Such as nourishing the heart, treating and preventing diabetes, fighting cancer, or losing weight. It is also cheap compared to other types of nuts. So it is another food that is

Benefits of Guava How good are its properties?

          In addition to being a fruit that eats and doesn’t make you fat. Guava also has good benefits from guava as follows: 1. Relieves constipation.           Guava fruits contain a lot of pactin. which is water-soluble dietary fiber and has gel-like properties. When it enters the intestines, it

Benefits of bananas.

 Bananas are fruits that are well known to be beneficial to the body. But believe it or not, the benefits of bananas may actually be more than we ever knew. And bananas can also help with health. And beauty ever. Okay! If so, don’t wait, let’s take a look

How good are its properties celery?

From the nutrients found in celery. This makes many people want to know the properties of celery. So here benefit it is. Cure constipation with the amount of dietary fiber contained. It makes it no surprise that the benefits are that it helps stimulate the digestive system. And in