When buying ingredients for cooking, we mostly buy them in kilograms or packs, in case we can store them for several meals without having to waste time going out to deal with traffic problems, pollution, and germs. Therefore, learning tips on how to store fresh food is important so that it does not spoil easily, while still maintaining its freshness, flavor, and nutritional value, allowing it to be stored for a longer period of time and leaving the least amount of waste in the trash.

The best way to store meat and seafood for a long time: is to freeze it. First, wash the meat and store it in a plastic bag or tightly closed box. Store it in the freezer or deep freezer (in some refrigerators). For pork or beef, it should be cut into pieces of the right size for convenience each time you use it. It should be separated by type and not put together. When you are going to use it for cooking, take it out and thaw it.
- Minced meat (minced pork / minced chicken / minced beef) should be divided into portions before freezing, for example, 1 kilogram should be divided into 5 pieces of 200 grams each. Then wrap tightly with plastic wrap and freeze in the freezer or very cold room. When you want to use it, take it out and use it one piece at a time.
- Fresh meat should be stored in a special food container with a tight-fitting lid to prevent the meat from coming into direct contact with the cold, which can cause it to deteriorate. It also prevents bacteria from spreading throughout the refrigerator.
- Fresh fish should be clean and store in the same way as other meats. Frozen fish can be frozen further, but the temperature must be maintain at a constant level. Freezing at -12 to -18 degrees Celsius will keep it for up to 6 months.
- For fresh shrimp, remove the shells. You can peel or not. For squid, clean and cut into pieces or keep it whole. Divide into packs according to the amount you want to use each time. Put in a tightly closed container. Freezing while still fresh can keep for several months.
How to store eggs: Chick and duck eggs are classic ingredients that are recommend to be stock up on because they can be use in a variety of dishes and can be store for a long time. Fresh eggs can last at room temperature for 7-10 days (without being refrigerat first) ufabet https://ufabet999.app. However, if you want to store them for longer, store them in the egg compartment of the refrigerator with the pointed end facing down. This method will help you store eggs for months and when cracked, the yolks will not break.
How to store bread: Bread is an ingredient that has a clear expiration date. But if you buy it and think you won’t eat it before the expiration date, wrap each slice of bread tightly in aluminum foil or food wrap and put it in the freezer. It will keep for up to 2 weeks. When you’re ready to eat, take it out and let it sit at room temperature, then heat it in the microwave, oven , or toaster. You’ll get bread that’s fragrant and soft like new.
How to store fresh vegetables and fruits
- Cabbage, cabbage, radish, carrots, broccoli – these root vegetables do not need to be wash. Wrap them in paper or place them in a zip-lock bag, squeeze out as much air as possible, and store them in the crisper.
- Wrap green leafy vegetables such as kale, pak choi and salad greens in 1-2 layers of newspaper without washing them. Then put them in a plastic bag, tie the bag tightly to prevent air and moisture. Store them in the vegetable compartment.
- Wash the lemons thoroughly, then drain or let them dry completely. Wrap them in newspaper and place them in a ziplock bag or plastic bag. Tie the bag tightly and store them in the refrigerator.
- Mushrooms : The first way to store mushrooms is to place the unwash mushrooms on a plate lined with paper towels to absorb the oil. Then wrap them in plastic wrap and store them in the refrigerator in the normal compartment. Another way is to blanch the mushrooms in boiling water and immediately take them out and put them in cold water. Then pat them dry and put them in a ziplock bag and store them in the normal compartment of the refrigerator. They will keep for 2 days.
- Oranges can be store at room temperature, but not in direct sunlight. If you want to store them for several days, separate the oranges into mesh bags or plastic bags. With air holes and refrigerate them. The oranges will stay fresh and their flavor will last longer.
- Grapes and apples should be store in the refrigerator without washing until ready to eat.
- Unripe avocados can be store at room temperature, but ripe avocados with soft skins should be store in the refrigerator.
- Bananas are fruits that ripen easily. If you want to store them for several days. It is recommend to buy bunches that have not turn yellow yet. Then wrap the stems of the bunches with food preservation film. This will prevent ethylene gas and delay the ripening of the bananas.
- Wash fresh strawberries with water mixed with vinegar, pat dry or leave to air dry. Then store in a ziplock bag or a box with a lid in the refrigerator. It is recommend not to stack strawberries more than 1 layer to prevent bruising. Which will cause rot and mold to grow more easily.
Advice for storing fresh fruits and vegetables: Do not cut the fruits. Or vegetables until they are ready to be eating or cook. When exposed to air, the fruits and vegetables may lose some of their vitamins and their flavor may change.
However, food should not be store in the refrigerator too tightly. There should be space for cold air to circulate thoroughly. Because if the cold is not consistent, the stored food may deteriorate before its time. It is best to plan to buy food to stock up on no more than 1 week in order to save expenses. And reduce the amount of food left over due to not eating in time to the least amount.